Wellness Studio

Relax, rejuvenate, restore

The Wellness Studio, located to the right of the membership desk in the main lobby of the Student Recreational Sports Center, provides three unique, cutting-edge wellness experiences for students and members. HydroMassage, CryoLounge+, and RelaxSpace are free to students and RecSports members.

Scan your Crimson Card to begin your session! 
Equipment is available on a first-come, first-served basis.


The CryoLounge+ is an advanced recovery chair that offers targeted cold at 25°F–30°F for soreness and aches, complemented by warmth at 95°F–115°F in other areas for comfort. This balanced approach ensures a holistic and refreshing experience for an ideal post-workout recovery.

  • Cold therapy feels great on sore and stiff muscles after a workout
  • Heat in other areas offsets the cold and provides a more comfortable experience 
  • Compression feature available for sore legs
  • Optional contrast feature to switch the hot and cold treatment areas at the end of your session
  • Sessions last 10 minutes once your CrimsonCard is scanned


HydroMassage is an innovative hydrotherapy lounge for muscle recovery. Waves of heated water target specific areas for a personalized and relaxing experience.

  • Provides temporary relief from minor aches and pains
  • Reduces stress and anxiety levels
  • Reduces muscle soreness, stiffness, and tension
  • Increases circulation in massaged areas
  • Enhances feelings of deep relaxation and well-being
  • Sessions last 10 minutes once your CrimsonCard is scanned


RelaxSpace is a relaxation pod designed for mental wellness breaks. The pod reduces stress and enhances muscle recovery for relaxation and mindfulness.

Consider using headphones for the best experience.

  • Travel and nature videos with soundscapes
  • Scent infusions
  • Meditation and breathing exercises
  • Heart-rate monitoring
  • Healthy living tips
  • Heated lounge seat
  • Sessions last 15 minutes once your CrimsonCard is scanned