The Student Recreational Sports Association is your voice in Recreational sports. We work year round to improve facilities and programming, and to protect and promote recreational sports interests at Indiana University. As the website shows, our board extends to the wide array of Recreational Sports opportunities, so feel free to contact us about anything you’re interested in or concerned about.
Student Recreational Sports Association (SRSA)

History of SRSA
SRSA has a definitive legacy here at Indiana University. In the 1970s it influenced a $1.2 million renovation of Woodlawn fields, Intramural Center Tennis Courts, and the construction of North Fee Lane Fields. In the same decade SRSA started planning alongside Campus Recreational Sports for future facilities and also co-authored the implementation of a fee, now known as the mandatory student activity fee. In the 1980s SRSA supported the installation of the jogging path around Woodlawn Fields in addition to the renovation of the Intramural Center weight-room. Progressing into the 1990s, another huge milestone took place when the Student Recreational Sports Center, or SRSC, was built.
More recently, solutions to correct the parking issues at the SRSC and the addition of strength and cardio circuits, also at the SRSC, are the direct result of the influence of SRSA. Currently SRSA is working in conjunction with campus Recreational Sports and its consulting firm to develop a master plan for the future development of recreational sport opportunities at IU.
Student Recreation Advocates
SRSA strives to advocate not only the interests of all who partake in recreational sports but also of those who don’t. We ask why some students choose not to participate in an effort to understand how recreational sport programming and facilities can be adapted in such a manner as to spark their interest. Would a presently sedentary person adopt a more active lifestyle if only IU had a frisbee golf course? Conversely, we also ask what can be done to increase the participation level of those who are already active participants. Participation is a quantitative tenet of SRSA. SRSA focuses additionally on the quality of your experience. We want to know how comfortable you are using the equipment or signing up for group exercise, whether you enjoyed the experience or were turned off by it. SRSA measures your experience qualitatively in order that we might best advise campus Recreational Sports how to maximize your satisfaction.
SRSA is responsible for the stewardship of your mandatory student activity fee. Since all students pay each semester for recreational sports, we ensure that it’s spent with your interests in mind. As students, they’re our interests too.
SRSA is composed of persons just like yourselves. We’re not paid for what we do, we volunteer our time. Each of us comes from a variety of backgrounds including majors and activities. Whether your interest is club sports, intramural sports, aquatics, informal sports, personal fitness and wellness, or anything in between you have a voice. Use it by becoming active in SRSA or by providing us with your feedback.