Club Sports Federation (CSF)

Club Sports Federation

The Club Sports Federation is composed of student representatives from each club sport at IU. Each Club Sport is required to send one officer, recognized by Recreational Sports, to the CSF monthly meetings and meet the minimum requirements in the Classification System to remain a part of the CSF. 

2024 - 2025 CSF Executive Board Members



Luca Kelley Nielsen (Run Club President)
Leads weekly meetings and sets agenda for monthly CSF executive board meetings
email Luca
Vice President
Katie Minasola (Figure Skating Events Chair)
Chair of the Appeals Board, processes Classification System reports
email Katie
Lauren Tabour (Western Equestrian Treasurer)
Chairs the allocation process, keeps itemized account of CSF funds and expenditures
email Lauren

csf_kiya.jpgKiya Baker (Women's Ultimate Frisbee Social Chair)
Records and uploads meeting minutes, assists with ordering food for CSF monthly meetings
email Kiya